Another Christmas Play

Another Christmas Play

A Christmas farce with an LGBTQ+ twist.
Presented by SaltoArts

This is Ethan’s last Christmas before he can escape his mad family and run away to college. This was supposed to be the year everything went right, but when his sister Charlie brings home a fake boyfriend who just happens to be their Dad’s real boyfriend, only chaos can ensue. This may just be their most mad Christmas yet. Ethan can only hope that they don’t have to move Christmas...again!!

A dry, wine swilling Australian mum, a charismatic, musicals loving dad who doesn't how to come out, his boyfriend who isn't supposed to be there, their daughter who tends to invite chaos, their son who's trying to hold it all together and a philosophising yoga teacher (how did he get into this?)...

It’s a queer holiday farce that feels like a Hallmark Christmas movie. An eccentric family, with their own holiday traditions, who make you remember why family gatherings are best appreciated in small doses, and yet you desperately want to spend more time with them. A complex family tale of typical holiday stress, where at the end of the day they don’t lose sight of the fact that they love each other.


Author - Lakeisha Wenonah Salto is an up and coming Bi writer and actor of French, Danish and Scottish descent. Her script of “Another Christmas Play” was previously produced under a pseudonym in Copenhagen in 2021, but the run was cut short due to Covid. This is it’s first airing under her real name, and it’s UK debut.

Director - Sheba Salto, is a creative Danish Scot, who has been working on professional and amateur productions, in both theatre and film from California to Copenhagen since the 1980’s. She loves to bring to life human stories that reflect on the funny situations that we all find ourselves in sometimes and that force us to laugh at our own human foibles.

Consultant - Melissa Suan is a lesbian Filipina-American artist from Hawai’i. She approaches her work through a multidisciplinary lens, she uses movement paired with dialogue to create theatre and film works around queer narratives. Most recently, she has collaborated with the London LGBTQ+ Centre, Pride Copenhagen (DK) and Newfest (USA) to create theatre pieces and curate screenings that highlight BIPOC LGBTQ+ stories.


Content warning: Strong language and adult themes

Theatre Company Reviews:

“Touchingly warm and funny.” - Audience member, Copenhagen

“This show will make you feel better about your own family.” - Audience member, Copenhagen

Production Details

Run Time:

  • Act One: 30 mins

  • Act Two: 30 mins

Age Restrictions:

  • 12



  • Tue 12th Dec 2023 - 7:30 pm

  • Wed 13th Dec 2023 - 7:30 pm

  • Thu 14th Dec 2023 - 7:30 pm

  • Fri 15th Dec 2023 - 7:30 pm

  • Sat 16th Dec 2023 - 7:30 pm

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